COVID-19 Small Business Resources
As we learn more about the Covid-19 (coronavirus), we
recognize that it will have deep and broad impacts for our business community. Our aim is to provide relevant, accurate, and up to date information and resources as the virus fully unfolds.
With the federal stimulus package solidified for small business recovery under the CARES Act, we now begin the process of navigating the relief options available to the small business community. As part of these efforts, we want to know if these new resources are effectively getting to our business community and if they are adequately meeting your needs.
Please take a few moments to fill our our five minute survey to help
us learn more about you small business needs during this time.
Business Impact Survey
CARES Act Summary
Want to learn more about available SBA small business relief programs?
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL)
SBA Disaster Loan Program Comparisons (Spanish)
Provided by Interise + Greater Philadelphia Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
National Resources
The SBA is offering subsidized loans for impacted businesses to keep them afloat. Applicants can learn more online or call SBA’s customer service line at 1(800) 659-2955.
U.S. Chamber is working closely with government officials to inform and equip businesses with the most up-to-date information to prepare businesses for the near and long-term impact​.
​ Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to coronavirus disease​.
Local & State Resources
We Are Lawrence: Information and Resources
Mill Cities Community Investments: Virtual one on one guidance and training workshops​. Schedule online or call them directly at (978) 258-2772.
USI Insurance Services: Tips for responding to a public health emergency​
Commonwealth Kitchen Food Business Tips
MassHire: Merrimack Valley Career Center:​Employers with jobs vacancies to list should fill out the form found here​.
Mass.Gov Dept. of Unemployment Assistance​​Contact Norca Disla-Shannon, Rapid Response Coordinator II at (617) 438-7897 or via email​
MV Small Business Coalition